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Location of parking lot (via Google Maps)
The Main Street Trail was completed in the fall of 2019. The one-mile crushed limestone trail traverses a gently contoured glacial moraine while passing through both fields and tree canopied areas. At the terminus, the path loops around a wildflower garden before returning to the trail head to complete a two-mile trek.
The Main Street Trail offers opportunity to meander or exercise while surrounded by beautiful scenery and an abundance of wildlife. Benches are placed at tenth-mile intervals to provide a beautiful setting for relaxation and contemplation.
This project was conceived and led by the Upland Area Greenways Association. The trail was completed in November 2019 after six years of planning, fundraising and construction. The largest parts of the costs were covered by a federal grant directed through the State of Indiana. Donations of materials and volunteer work from local trail enthusiasts were necessary for its completion.